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Karate For Kids – The Benefits

Il s’agit de l’extrait de l’article.

We live in a fast paced world, technology seems to be taking over, so where is it all heading for the kids?

No longer do kids go play in the park, or build a camp in the local woods, instead, they stay cooped up at home, sitting In front of the TV, with the latest offering from the computer games universe. It is so easy for kids to become inactive and end up overweight or even obese!

The kids who go learn karate, not only get much needed exercise and social interaction, karate also encompasses character building and life skills.

Karate is steeped in philosophy as well as ancient fighting techniques. Great karate masters of old, preach character building over fighting. Master Gichin Funakoshi said, « The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of character of its participants ».

A good karate instructor will not only teach karate moves, a good karate school will encourage all the positive life skills like, achievement, humility, determination, respect, effort, etc.

A karateka (someone who practices karate), will be taught to respect their fellow karateka, showing respect to people in the dojo, will lead to the same being shown outside of the karate dojo.

Achievement plays a big part in a good karate dojo, this could be anything from learning a new karate technique or combination, entering a competition or belt test, perfecting a karate kata (form), etc.

Karate classes for kids should be both fun and serious, check out your local kids karate classes and ask if you can observe a typical class. They should encompass all of the above and much more. if they do, encourage your child to have a go.

So, are karate classes for kids, good for them? YES! And I believe it should be compulsory in all schools, but then again, I am a little biased!



Patience With Learning

Patience with learning (All techniques take a while to do « correctly »).

There is a lot of talk with this generation wanting instant gratification and while this is definitely apparent at times, most students understand that it will take a while and don’t mind working towards something.

It is also important to understand that some techniques and concepts will just be more natural and come quicker and to keep in mind that when something doesn’t come fast, it just means you have to be patient.

However, do not believe anyone who tells you that you can be a self defense expert in a short amount of time or that their system is superior so that you can learn without wasting a lot of time (as the saying goes « a little knowledge is a dangerous thing »).

Generally, the first move I teach is the horsestance punch. Now your first horestance punch is a lot different than your 1000th and that 1000th punch is a lot different than your 10,000th. A common mistake that I see with students is their mindset of « I think I’m doing it correctly so now I’m ready for something new, » not realizing that « learning how to do a technique is not actually practicing that technique, you can only practice a technique once you’ve learned how to do it correctly. » There are many details with every move and yes, you could technically « do » a horsestance punch the very first class. But it is doubtful that your stance, your hand position, your posture, your power, etc. is great.

As techniques become more difficult, you will find that it takes longer and longer to just learn to do that technique correctly and of course there are always those techniques that will come quickly because you can do it naturally and other techniques that will take even longer because they don’t come naturally.

As the saying goes « anything worth doing is worth doing poorly » Front kicks aren’t that special because most people can do them without much practice (although a great front kick takes some time).

Often times students are so concerned with doing a spinning or jumping technique, that they don’t worry about improving their basics. They don’t realize (even when told) that their more advanced techniques aren’t developing because their basics are lousy.

So be patient and enjoy the « fun » of overcoming obstacles, once you do you will build confidence and go into your next endeavor with a better mindset. After a while this effect snowballs and you are unstoppable (if you want to be).

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Prewar bayonetting martial art makes return to schools

Jukendo martial art players participate in a national championship held at Tokyo’s Nippon Budokan in August 2014. The sport, mostly practiced by Self-Defense Forces personnel, will be included on the list of martial arts that can be taught at junior high schools. | ALL JAPAN JUKENDO FEDERATION

Prewar bayonetting martial art makes return to schools

A little-known Japanese martial art called jukendo came under the spotlight recently after it was stipulated in the revised junior high school curriculum guidelines for the first time as one of nine martial arts schools can choose to teach students.
Due to its historical background as combat techniques developed and used by the Imperial Japanese Army before and during World War II, the decision has sparked criticism among many, with some branding the move as anachronistic.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet denied such accusations in a statement on April 14, saying it was not the revival of militarism or a move to return to prewar values. Jukendo was stipulated because “it was considered to further improve the flexibility of budo’s contents,” the statement said.
What is jukendo?
Jukendo, which literally means “a way of the bayonet,” is a Japanese martial art similar to kendo.
Donning robes and armor for protection, practitioners jab each other’s throats or bodies using wooden mock rifles, according to the All Japan Jukendo Federation.
It is officially listed as one of nine Japanese martial arts by the Japanese Budo Association. It is mainly practiced by Self-Defense Forces personnel.
Why is it controversial?
Many associate the martial art with the Imperial Japanese Army.
According to the jukendo federation, its history can be traced back to the Meiji Era (1868-1912) when the Imperial army developed a combat style using rifle-fixed bayonets by incorporating traditional spear fighting and French bayonet techniques.
“Back then, it was the techniques for fighting,” said jukendo federation vice president Takeshi Suzuki.
But following Japan’s surrender in 1945, it was banned along with other martial arts by the Allied Occupation Forces.
After the ban was lifted in the 1950s, it was developed as a modern sport with completely different purposes, including honing etiquette and training minds and bodies, Suzuki said.
How popular is jukendo in Japan?
Around 30,000 people are currently registered as members of the sport, out of which roughly 90 percent are SDF personnel, according to the federation.
The number of participants is much smaller than major martial arts such as judo, which has around 160,000 practitioners, and kendo, which is practiced by about 1.8 million people in Japan.
The federation said it had around 50,000 members a decade ago, but the number has since dwindled due to the nation’s shrinking population and people’s declining interest in martial arts in general.
Apart from the 30,000 members, the federation also has 1,000 junior members who are junior high school students or younger.
Suzuki said it has five non-Japanese members, from France, Australia, New Zealand and Poland.
Would jukendo be a compulsory subject at junior high schools under the new curriculum guidelines?
No. Since 2012, budo has been a mandatory subject for first- and second-year junior high school students. But it is up to each school to decide which martial arts to teach.
Although the current curriculum guidelines recommend sumo, kendo and judo, junior high schools have the freedom to teach other Japanese martial arts that are not listed, including jukendo, according the education ministry.
In reality, however, only one junior high school in Japan, in Kanagawa Prefecture, teaches jukendo, the ministry said.
As some teachers hesitate to teach subjects that are not clearly spelled out in the guidelines, the jukendo federation believes it will become easier to promote the martial art to junior high school teachers once the new guidelines take effect in fiscal 2021.
Why did the government include jukendo in the new guidelines?
Jukendo was initially not listed in the draft version of the guidelines released by the education ministry in February, even though all other martial arts recognized by the Japanese Budo Association were stipulated.
An official at the sports agency, an external bureau of the ministry, said it was excluded because it was hardly taught in junior high schools.
But the ministry’s draft guidelines sparked anger from jukendo enthusiasts, including Masahisa Sato, an Upper House lawmaker from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Sato, a former GSDF commander, urged the ministry to stipulate jukendo in the guidelines during an Upper House foreign affairs and defense committee session in March.
He also called on fellow LDP members, former SDF personnel and his supporters to send public comments to the education ministry, according to his blog.
The sports agency official said the ministry decided to include jukendo in the guidelines after receiving “several hundred” public comments urging its inclusion.
While the ministry’s move was welcomed by Sato and other jukendo supporters, some slammed the decision, including Niigata Gov. Ryuichi Yoneyama.
Following the release of the new curriculum guidelines on March 31, Yoneyama tweeted that he was terrified.
Jukendo is different from kendo, judo and sumo, which are established as sports and practiced by many people, he said. “(The decision) is nothing but anachronistic,” he tweeted.
Will it be dangerous for children to practice the jabbing techniques?
Students will not be taught techniques to target opponents’ throats, according to the federation, which helped draw up teaching guidelines for jukendo.
First- and second-year students will only be practicing noncontact kata — the basic movements of jukendo, Suzuki said.
The students may take part in a match in the final year — but only if they fully master the basics and wear formal protective gear, he added.

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Learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu To Enhance Your Life

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has long provided people of all ages with an excellent opportunity to get fit while simultaneously learning an important skill. If you are looking for a great way to improve your physical condition while closely interacting with disciplined martial artists, you will likely enjoy learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu. By learning this unique martial art, you can enhance every aspect of your life by gaining access to the tools and information only a thoroughly trained master instructor possesses.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is not only considered to be a martial art, but it is also commonly referred to as a sport and a way of life. Therefore, a student can get a lot out of this activity if they fully devote themselves to its practice. Not only that, but students also gain access to a world of self-confidence and abilities they could only dream about prior to learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Self-confidence and determination are a direct result of regularly engaging in this sport. It takes considerable effort to rise to the challenges posed by a martial arts competition. An instructor who has spent decades of their life studying the martial arts has a deep understanding of its mechanics and they can help you greatly improve your combat skills so that you too may rise to any challenge.

Many people who regularly engage in this sport can attest to the fact that it has deeply impacted their lives. By engaging in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you will be challenged in a variety of ways you never thought possible. In the process, you will learn everything from how to overcome the strengths of a bigger and stronger opponent to the specific techniques you can use to defend yourself in an emergency situation.

With this information, you will feel a sense of self-confidence you could only dream of before. Knowing that you can properly defend yourself if the need arises will allow for you to live your life without fear. Instead, any potential assailant will likely have to learn to fear you once they witness your ability to defend yourself.

Almost anyone can learn how to engage in Brazilian jiu-jitsu too. People of all ages regularly engage in this sport as a healthy way to stay active. The martial arts are not only about self-defense though, since they typically involve methods of properly caring for the body so that students may lead healthy and balanced lifestyles.

The discipline and training you will obtain by learning this particular martial art will improve every aspect of your life by helping you better understand what it means to be determined. Not only that, the unique skills that are taught to students of this sport involve powerful strategies that can easily be transferred into other areas of your life. The discipline and skills obtained through your training will make you more disciplined and alert in business activities and even in your personal relationships.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu training also typically involves extensive human interaction. Therefore, the relationships and bonds made between those who practice it often last a lifetime. By learning the techniques and strategies used by a master practitioner, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to overcome any challenge you face in your personal life so that you may better yourself in every way possible.

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Tae Kwon Do: The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World’s Most Popular Martial Art

Tae Kwon Do: The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World’s Most Popular Martial Art

Tae Kwon Do is more than just a fighting style: it combines self-defense, exercise, meditation, philosophy, and self-awareness to improve oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Over 400 million students in more than 188 countries have embraced the way of life that Tae Kwon Do provides. Tae Kwon Do, Third Edition combines a complete explanation of the physical aspects of the martial art with a full description of the philosophical elements of its training. It is perfect for both students trying to master techniques and teachers looking for a reliable reference. The authors believe that the true essence of Tae Kwon Do cannot be seen, touched, smelled, tasted, or heard, but only experienced. This book will guide students as they figure out what Tae Kwon Do means to them.

Click here to download 

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Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Is A Popular Health Approach

Martial arts combat sports has received increased attention in terms of its applications in health and fitness. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training involves a series of strength maneuvers, locking and wrestling actions against an opponent assisting in weight loss, flexibility, endurance and stamina. Learning about the benefits this approach to a workout can provide will assist in making informed and effective wellness decisions.

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training

The sporting approach is based on martial arts principles using the mind and body to control movement and deliver powerful kicks and blows. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training teaches participants a variety of stand up moves, but is most formidable with its lockdown techniques requiring strength, determination and calculated moves to secure opponents. It increases heart rate, builds strength and provides a multitude of health benefits for all participants.

Having originated in the 1900s, the martial arts techniques have been introduced to the modern fitness world as an effective workout routine. It engages all of the core muscles and provides participants with an intensive, challenging and stimulating approach to physicality. While mobility is important and encouraged during lessons, it offers mental support and processes to improve overall function for a long period of time.


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How to Benefit Mentally

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training consists of a number of techniques that are taught for engagement in combative sports and the ability to maintain stable, flexible movement. Students are required to sustain mental focus to learn each of these moves for effective application against an opponent. Poor stability and a failure to correctly apply the different moves can lead to injuries and therefore a guided instructor will advise on the technique and steps that must be followed when engaging.

It teaches learners to overcome their fears and mental blockages that are holding them back from achieving effective physical and emotional results. Implementing the structured techniques requires regular practice to achieve a sense of mastery over the different moves to protect against injuries and to assist in producing strong behaviors that produce effective physical results. Implementing the necessary strategies can assist in achieving a stronger fitter outcome.

The locks and grabs performed during a session must be learned effectively to take down an opponent. Rolling techniques and lockdowns will have to be repeated before being equipped to manage another that can prove frustrating if not performed correctly. A professional instructor is available during each class to assist all learners to overcome difficulties and pursue goals that is a principle that can be applied in all areas of life.

How to Benefit Physically

The health returns in the performance of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training can be many with regular practice and mastery over specific techniques. A major advantage of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training includes the physical improvements achieved through structured techniques to enhance routine function and the condition of the muscles and joints. It promotes flexibility by alleviating limitations and developing core strength.

People of all fitness levels can engage in the classes and achieve their physical goals within a more efficient period of time. Investing a fair amount of time in the practice of routine training can provide many enhancements in stable and flexible operation on a regular basis. A professional approach can assist in facilitating healthy techniques without sustaining severe injuries that will prevent participation in lessons.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training can prove difficult in the beginning as the body adjusts to the tumbles and techniques that are engaged. The martial arts practices aim to teach individuals combat methods to protect in case of threat and requires increased physical strength to take down an opponent and produce a healthy and resistant result. Increased bodily wellness can create a sense of toughness and build greater levels of muscle stamina.

Endurance is increased with ongoing cardiovascular activities and the engagement of all core muscles while pushing, pulling and having to implement various resistance strategies. Having to grapple and wrestle an opponent will build greater levels of resistance and overall strength that are needed in activity and can assist in faster weight loss and muscle tone. It is an ongoing process that involves targeted moves and the development of greater levels of stamina.

Engagement in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training is a challenging and exciting martial arts sport that can be incorporated into everyday fitness as part of an effective workout regime. The different techniques performed assists in building greater levels of strength and muscle tone proving most effective in enhancing overall stamina. Achieving a healthy state and working towards overall goals can be achieved with routine practice.

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A Brief History of Traditional Kung Fu

In 520 AD (or thereabouts), an Indian monk named Bodhidharma introduced Zen Buddhism to China and made the Shaolin temple his home. There the monks and students would fall asleep during meditation and became emaciated during fasting. In order to change this, Bodhidharma instituted a program of 18 different exercises and breathing disciplines to develop their focus. In addition, because they were frequently the target of bandits, they also developed a fighting system using the long pole. This is the beginning of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Kung Fu Flourished

One of the theories of why kung fu developed to such an extent at the Shaolin temple is that the temple itself was a haven for political dissidents, military men, and revolutionists, who were experienced fighters. As a result, fighting knowledge was exchanged and refined over a long period of time.

In the 1500s, a young swordsman by the name of Kwok Yuen is credited with developing the Shaolin fighting techniques into the five animal categories of Tiger, Crane, Leopord, Dragon, and Snake. This is known as the « Five Forms Fist. »

Five Forms Fist

Each animal is symbolic and represents certain techniques (and fists) within the system:

Tiger: Symbolizes ferocity and strength. Open hand striking techniques with the fingers clenched in the shape of a claw.
Crane: Evasive techniques, kicking (Crane standing on one leg), arms spread like wings opening, fingers pressed together to form a beak-like weapon.
Leopard: Fore-knuckle strikes imitate the animal’s paw.
Dragon: Claw techniques, whipping back-fists that symbolizes a thrashing tail, scissors stance techniques that imitate the twisting maneuvers of a dragon.
Snake: Fingertip thrusts upon soft vital areas that characterize the serpent’s forked tongue.
Kung fu flourishes at the Shaolin temple for a couple hundred years. It did not last, however. The Manchus invaded China in 1664 and established the Ching government. Afterward, supporters of the overthrown Ming dynasty sought refuge at Shaolin. These supporters even plotted to overthrow the Manchu government.

Destruction of the Temple

The Manchu government outlawed kung fu and the soldiers destroyed the temple in the 1700s in fear of rebellion. The burning of the monastery marks the beginning of Hung Gar style.

Kung Fu Returns

Among those who escaped the burning of the temple were abbot Chee Sin and his disciple Hung Hee Koon. Hung is said to have combined his Tiger techniques with the softer Crane techniques he learned from his wife Fong Wing Chun, resulting in a more balanced system we call Hung Gar (Hung’s Family) kung fu.

The ban on training ended by the early 1800s. Two disciples of Chee Sin (Hung Hee Koon and Look Ah Choy) came out of hiding and opened kung fu schools. Other schools began to pop up as well, and traditional kung fu has been making its way across the world (though there are many traditionalists who did not take too kindly to the teaching of it to non-Chinese).

Lion Dance

While there are many schools devoted to lion dancing alone, it is very much linked to the practice of kung fu. In fact, you can often see the quality of a school’s kung fu be watching their lions. According to legend, the Lion Dance was developed to fight supernatural forces. A demon-like creature supposedly wrought havoc on a rice farming community. In order to frighten their evil enemy away, the villagers constructed an awesome looking figure which they called the Lion. They succeeded, and down through the years, the Lion Dance has become a symbol of good luck.

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Mixed Martial Arts: The Deadliest Sporting Event On Earth

Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed martial arts are certainly the most amazing sporting event. The game is full of excitement, adventure, and thrill. The people love to watch the competitors, battling hard to win the game. The game involves tremendous physical agility. The athletes have to sweat a lot in order to win the game.
There is a famous saying that practice makes the man perfect. The same thought is true for the athletes. They have to workout and practice hard in order to improve their skills and efficiency. As the game is considered as the deadliest, it is essential to protect the body from the injuries. For this purpose, all you need is the perfect MMA gears which can protect you from getting injured.
MMA Gloves: The most important accessory for the athletes is gloves. These are worn by the athletes during the game or the practice. These are manufactured using the rubber or synthetic rubber. The inner layers are also provided in order to protect the hands from the external injuries. During the game, the gloves protect the hands from getting bruises. These are also helpful in providing impactful punches to the opponent in order to win over the game.
Shin Guard: These are basically the protecting shields which are worn along the legs in order to protect them from external injuries. These are basically the pads which are very effective in guarding the legs against the deadliest strokes. These are manufactured using the foam along with graded quality fabric so as to provide the protection to the players.

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Rash Guards: These are basically the uniforms which are worn by the players during the game or the practice. The designers are offering their collections in the exclusive range of designs and specifications. With the evolution of the fashion trends, the sports uniform manufacturers are also preparing their collections as per the latest fashion trends. Nowadays, the athletes also want to wear the amazing range. This helps in improving the confidence level of the player, thus providing the positive impact on the performance. The game is definitely a tough one and it involves tremendous physical agility. The requirement of the athletes is the comfy outfits. For this purpose, MMA gears manufacturers are manufacturing their collection using premium grade raw materials. The most popular outfit for this purpose is polyester fabric. This provides full flexibility to the players during the game.
The leading brands, as well as manufacturers, are offering the comprehensive range of gears in the market. They are using exceptional quality raw materials while creating their range. This helps in providing the features like flexibility, durability, reliability, etc in the products.

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The Last True Samurai in Action

 Japanese martial arts master attempts katana world record

Our new weekly video series Meet the Record Breakers – Japan Tour shines a spotlight on some of the most incredible world record holders from the nation. 
This week’s instalment features multiple record-breaking martial arts expert Isao Machii, who attempts to set a new record for Most martial arts sword cuts in one minute (rush straw).

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He attempts the challenge under the watchful eye of Guinness World Records adjudicator Kaoru Ishikawa in a park in Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan.
The rules for this title state that the straw shafts must be a minimum of 90 cm in length and clearly divided into four sections of 15 cm. The cuts must then be made in the 15cm sections marked on the shafts.
The martial arts master successfully wins the record with a total of 87 precise samurai sword cuts.
“I see Guinness World Records as a way of securing my legacy … a great way for me to have my name go down in history around the world,” Isao said.
The 44-year-old, who learning his sport at the age of five, has secured a number of impressive Guinness World Records titles thanks to his katana skills.
His other titles include Fastest tennis ball cut by swordFastest BB pellet cut by sword (pictured above), Most sword cuts to straw mats in three minutesMost martial arts sword cuts to one mat (Suegiri) and Fastest 1,000 martial arts (iaido) sword cuts

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How To Be A Bad Target To Reduce Attacks

One of the things you can do to reduce the risks of being attacked is learning how to be a bad target. There are so many things you can do so, you give very little reason for an attacker to actually come onto you. Robbers will rarely attack when they feel they might not get much from it and hence the more aware you are the safer you will be from attacks.

1. Walk with awareness of your surroundings. Attackers will usually attack when you least expect it and love it when you look un-attentive to what is happening around you. Avoid walking with headphones in your ears, talking on the phone or when texting, especially when you are in isolated areas. Depending on your location and time, make sure that you pay very close attention to your surroundings; this way, you can actually have enough time to get away before an attacker gets to you as soon as you see the signs of an imminent attack.

2. Choose your clothes carefully especially when you know you will be in risky areas or late. For instance, it would be much easier to attack a woman who is in high heels and in tight skirt than one dressed in sneakers and jeans. Do not let clothes inhibit movement that can actually save your life when the situation arises.

3. Carry a visible weapon. Remember that you may not always have enough time to draw your weapon when you are already in a confrontation. Make yourself a bad target by carrying your weapon visibly where possible. For instance, if you are a woman, it can be very beneficial to carry a pepper spray in your hand rather than just keep it in your purse especially in areas that are isolated. An attacker will think twice about approaching an armed person compared to one without anything.


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4. Decrease rewards in the eyes of the attacker. The fact is that most attackers will strike in relation with what they feel they stand to gain from the victim. If you know that you will be visiting areas that are isolated or those that have a reputation of attacks, be careful not to wear very expensive clothes and jewelry. You should also not carry your expensive looking purse loosely in your hand or other items that attract attention of predators like computers and smartphones.

5. Secure your home. Create as many obstacles for attacks as you possibly can even around your home. Keep your doors and windows locked and be careful who you open the door for. Simple measures can go a long way in keeping you safe.

Self-defense starts with prevention. Find out what you can do to decrease chances of getting attacked, but be ready to stand for yourself in case you eventually get attacked.

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